Shop Feed: Missing Color, Age and Gender values in Google Merchant Center

How to fix: Missing value: size [size], colour [color], gender [gender], age group [age_group] in feeds for Google Merchant Center…

Mervyn Booth

Shopify: The Theme you’re looking for couldn’t be found

How to fix "The Theme you're looking for couldn't be found. Check the web address and try again, or try…

Mervyn Booth

How to password protect an external drive for Macs

Here are the steps we take to protect an external hard drive: Open Disk Utilities Select the drive to protect…

Mervyn Booth

Best Free Background Remover Tools

So what is the easiest way to remove the background from an image? If I have a penny for each…

Mervyn Booth

How to fix vagrant error “tee: /etc/exports: Operation not permitted”

Also, how to fix "nfsd service does not appear to be running" This solution is for Mac users only -…

Mervyn Booth

How to add WP’s customizer CSS into the classic editor

Recently, a newly acquired client needed the styling from the Customizer's custom CSS to show in the classic editor (TinyMCE).…

Mervyn Booth

How to reveal the footer from under the content, using position sticky

Once upon a time, a challenge like this, where you want to reveal a footer when the end of the…

Mervyn Booth

How to fix the PhpStorm error, “The IDE cannot create the directory”, in under a minute

On a couple of occasions, I've encountered a very annoying issue where PhpStorm will not open. Instead of opening it…

Mervyn Booth

How to import and export all WordPress users using WP CLI

Like everything with WordPress, there's usually a plugin to help, but we don't need one to import users as WP…

Mervyn Booth

How to make position sticky work in Safari

To make position sticky work in Safari make the sticky element a block and make a parent relative.

Mervyn Booth

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