Extracting Thumbnails from Videos

Recently, I've had a couple of projects that require thumbnails for video posts. There are plugins out there to do…

Mervyn Booth

Inlining CSS – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

I'm a sucker for performance gains to the point that I'm convinced I'm actually losing time overthinking it - šŸ¤”…

Mervyn Booth

If a marketing website were a salesperson

Would you carry on employing a salesperson that was slow, ineffective and unkempt? If a website were a salesperson They…

Mervyn Booth

Convert br tags to span tags

Have you ever needed to convert the string immediately before brĀ tags and wrap it in spanĀ tags instead? Me too. There…

Mervyn Booth

How to Remove Meta Boxes from Specific Pages

Sometimes you only want WordPress meta boxes, such as the permalink, on specific pages. To do so you can remove…

Mervyn Booth

Cross-browser support for hiding scrollbars, including FireFox

Cross-browser support for scrollbar styling and visibility is a challenge. It's as simple as that. This article provides a solution…

Mervyn Booth

Website Performance Gets Little Wins Using ‘noopener’

Your website performance is critical for great user experience and can certainly help with SEO, too. One little know performance…

Mervyn Booth

Don’t tell people your Google position

Google search engine's not bad at delivering pretty darn relevant results. ForĀ thisĀ reason I strongly suggest you do NOT tell others…

Mervyn Booth

Compress directories from the command line, excluding node_modules and development files

This simple article provides a CLI command to compress a directory whilst excluding specific sub-directories and files. We do a…

Mervyn Booth

Mobile search rankings could be damaged by content blocking

Great news - blockingĀ content will probably have a negative impact on the page'sĀ search ranking. We all hate content blockers, like…

Mervyn Booth

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