Nesting CSS Media Queries

Processing styling rules based on certain criteria, such as viewport width, is achieved using the @media conditional group rules. As of October 2018, all modern browsers support nested @media queries.

What’s a @media query?

Here’s a simple example of a media query to make the text 10% bigger on devices with a screen (viewport) wider than 768px (the viewport width of the original iPad):

@media (min-width: 768px) {
  p, div {
    font-size: 1.1em;

This is a pretty self-explanatory snippet of code:

When the width is greater than 768 pixels relatively resize the font size of paragraph and div tags to 110% of their current size.

Cool, right? But what about if we also wanted to increase the font-size of div tags by a different amount when the height is greater than 1024px? One solution is to use nested media queries.

What are nested @media queries?

Taking the problem described above, here’s an example of nested media queries to make the text within the paragraph and div tags 10% bigger on devices wider than 768px, but with a nested condition to apply an additional rule to div tags when the viewport height is also at least 1024px:

@media (min-width: 768px) {
  p, div {
    font-size: 1.1em;

  @media (min-height: 1024px) {
    div {
      font-size: 1.15em;

How about that?! The query is still pretty self-explanatory:

When the width is greater than 768 pixels relatively resize the font size of paragraph and div tags to 110% of the current size. However, if the height is greater than 1024 pixels relatively resize the font size of div tags to 115% of the current size.

Note: there are other ways to achieve this, without nesting the media queries, most obviously is by having separate query groups for paragraph and div tags.

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