We are securely encrypted. And you should be, too

This site is delivered over https, using modern encryption methods. We advise you to do the same and get encrypted.

It’s no secret that your bits can be seen by Peeping Toms when you surf the web.

To be more precise, the bits are the streams of data between your device and the source of Internet access. And the Peeping Toms are eavesdroppers that intercept the data streams.

These issues arise because your data is travelling around the internet in a very public way. After all the internet is public. As an example, when you navigate to your favourite site the packets of data from your device jump onto the backbones of the Internet. These packets traverse from line to line, and often across oceans via submarine fibre cables, before finally reaching their destination. Whilst in transit from the server to your device these data can be intercepted and collected. If the page isn’t encrypted, they can be read by eavesdroppers.

Why does encryption matter?

Now, imagine a situation where you are submitting some login details. If the connection is not secure these credentials are exposed to all kinds of risks. But, if the data is encrypted, you are in much safer hands when exposing your confidential information to the very public Internet. It’s worth noting that encrypted data can still be read by eavesdroppers. But, with modern encryption methods, they will be extremely hard to decrypt, often taking billions of years!

This is just one of the many risks your data has to deal with when you are connected to the Internet. There are many others, including cross-site script injection.

But here’s the good news: Your website can be encrypted, too.

And your website should be. Data encryption should be in place as the standard, not as an additional line of defence.

In recent years Google has switched its search engine to https. This may be to hide the search results from competitors, who were allegedly acquiring Google’s search traffic by working with Internet service providers! And more recently Bing and Yahoo have also switched to https. In addition, Google has recommended everyone encrypt their data. They have even gone as far as saying websites using https will get better positions in search engine ranking pages (SERPS). As an aside, Google also says it gives mobile-friendly websites higher mobile SERPS.

If you’re not sure if your website’s encrypted, please feel free to get in touch and we’ll gladly discuss getting your website encrypted, and the options available.

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