hints, tips, tricks and news

How to fix the issue with IntelliJ and PHPStorm not resolving SASS and JS Imports

This article describes how to resolve the issue with IntelliJ not providing autocomplete for imported SASS and JS resources. The same fix can be applied to PHPStorm. IntelliJ is an awesome IDE, but recently it stopped recognising imported SASS and JS resources. This didn’t stop them from compiling, but was very annoying, as it flagged […]

Using Gutenberg and/or the Classic Editor

It’s common knowledge that WordPress’s new editor, codenamed Gutenberg, will shake up the landscape for many, many websites that use the awesome platform. For some of us it’s a welcomed step for WP, however, for others, it is not. Yet. For Web agencies and freelance developers this is just a hurdle (albeit a potentially big […]

Getting your plugins ready for Gutenberg

Is your site, its plugins, custom post types, custom meta and your content ready for Gutenberg? Remember the release date: 5th 6th 7th December 2018. TL;DR Until you’ve tested everything, a short-term fix could be to turn off the Gutenberg experience: add_filter('use_block_editor_for_post', '__return_false'); If you own, manage, develop or have any vested interest in a […]

Toggle Navigational Menus and Submenus Using Pure JavaScript

We had an interesting challenge today, where we needed to create a collapsible, responsive menu and sub-menu, using pure JavaScript. Normally this functionality would be part of a frontend framework, but the client’s site doesn’t use any so, rather than using one solely for this functionality, we decided a clean and efficient way would be […]

Updating Macs on Mojave to run VirtualBox

We use VirtualBox for the local development of websites, this article walks through the process of updating it to at least 5.2.22. Why update VirtualBox? Simple: Older versions of VirtualBox will not be compatible with macOS Mojave. The simple fix Grab the latest version of VirtualBox, install it and you’re! Conclusion As we use VirutalBox […]

Remove menu link types from the WordPress menu options screen

On a client site, we wanted to restrict menu items to Custom Links, only. Thus remove all other menu types. The main drive behind this was to improve the user experience and reduce confusion, as the menu is only for Social Links. With a brief search yielding very little I set about coding a solution, […]

How to break long words using CSS @supports

Recently, I had an odd scenario where wrapping long text needed either word-wrap, overflow-wrap or word-break to achieve the same overflow pattern across different browsers. To arrive at a suitable solution I opted to use @supports to maintain control of the declarations. What is @supports? @supports is a feature query, whose associated block of statments […]

Conditionally enqueue scripts and stylesheets on specific pages

There are many use-cases where scripts and stylesheets only need to be loaded on certain pages. One such example would be to only load the JavaScript and CSS stylesheets for Contact Form 7 (a lightweight contact form plugin) on the contact page. This article will demonstrate how to conditionally load the JS and CSS for […]

Using LD+JSON Schema to Enhance SEO for Blog Posts

Schema markup helps search engines understand your content by describing its primary purpose, in a machine-friendly way. The most recent, and in my opinion, the easiest to maintain, is ld+json, which is contained in a script tag, proving the search engines with the key data. What does ld+json markup look like? The best way to […]